Name: Roberto
Surname: Douglas
Sail Number: US-55
Age: 47
Size: 105 kg’s
Sponsors: Lynch Associates, The Black Dog, Flysurfer, Cabrinha (pump) Dakine, Neil Pryde wetsuits, RD3 Racing
Media: Instagram #robbiedouglas55
Best Result: 46.6 knots 500m course record La Franqui – Mondial du
Vent 2015 & 50.2 knots 250m course record Masirah Oman 2018
Goal: The best Poppa in the world
Motto: “Rig Big”
Why you would like to take part in the Prince of Speed:
to race again in the South and see all my buddies!!
What do you think about Plage du Rouet:
it’s the best natural speed spot in Europe and one of my most favorite places for speed sailing in the world