Prince of Speed 2021: World Speed Tour Cup-French Cup: Notice of Race
500m race open to all the sailcraft.
Categories: Windsurf, Kite, Windsurf Foil, Kite foil, Wing, Boats. There will be 4 buoys : A, B ,C, D (from North to South)
A-B: one sailor only
B-C: 501m Official Run. In the same line, on the beach, there will be the Box of Video Timing D: after this you can go to the beach: don’t stop before
Sail back is possible but outside the buoys.
Walking back is possible but just the board in the water and taking care of the Knight on the run
Everyone has to wear a Valid GPS: GW60, GT31, Motion and have to send to the Time Keeper the 3 best runs of each leg: Time of finish and Speed on 500m. This is important to help the evaluation with Video Timing.
In case of unexpected damage of video timing system, we will use the GPS for the ranking.
Foil Category will be probably early morning or when the wind is not too strong.
All the sailors need to wear Official Lycra of the Event and Event stickers on the sail, even in the free sessions, during the event Period (after the registration).
Sail numbers: Windsurfer they have to put sail numbers on the sail. Kiters: they can write it on the back and right shoulder of the Lycra.
All the image and footage took during the Prince of Speed have to be published with the Official Logo of the Event. If you have your own Photographer it needs to be in agreement with the Event Organizer and for sure add the Event Logo in all the Photos and Video. About video from the facebook page you are welcome to share but is forbidden to take a screenshot and publish your own post. (The goal is to catch some good sponsor in order to Run a better Event and have a price money).
Please read and Subscribe the basic Rules of Speed Sailing and the gentleman agreement:
Kite area (for rigging etc.) will be on the South of the Wood Sticks (the woods that cut the beach 150m on the South of the Rouet)
Windsurf and Wing Area will be on the North of the Sticks.
Parking is between Le Rouet and the Wooden Sticks on the south.
All the sailors have to be member of FFvoile and World Speed Tour.If they are not, they can pay 75 euro to World Speed Tour to be member of FFvoile through World Speed Tour.
Event fees: 250 euro
A part who won the World Speed Tour GPS Trial 2020 and the Wild Cards.
You are all welcome to enjoy on gpsspeedsurfing website the event World Speed Tour GPS trial 2021 for the whole 2021.The 500m winner will have a free pass to the Nautical Mile Attempt 2022. The Fastest top Speed, the free access to the WST Cup 2022.
Session from Prince of Speed cannot be used to take part in others online Event if not in accord with POS Event Organizer.
Waiting Period 1-30 September.
Yellow Alert 6 days in advance.
Red Alert Minimum 36 Hours before the race Race days: 1 to 3 days
There will be the World Speed Tour Cup Ranking (best Run of the event) to see who will be the fastest Knight of 2021.
Prince of Speed-French Cup Ranking: in each leg of each category will count the 2 fastest Runs and the average of these 2 runs will give the Ranking of each leg.
Point: 0.7,2,3,4,5,6,7…
All the others info will come during the registration day and the daily skipper meeting.