Principe Baldini
Principe Baldini starts windsurfing in 1977 and since the beginning he liked the waves and going fast.
Principe has Classical Education and is Doctor in Economics (Università La Sapienza di Roma).
He has had many interest in his life:
- with his family he was running a Real Estate Company ,
- Together with his father and Don Zagnoli he cooperated (in the beginning with the William Morris) with the Clear Channel Communication group (Clear Channel Exhibitions) in order to organize the exhibition St. Peter and the Vatican The Legacy of Popes (he drove the deal with Casa Buonarroti for over 20 draw of Michelangelo).
- Now he is partner in the project Company (Progetti e Territorio) for a Project Financing in Rome of around 2 Bilions euro: La Porta del Mare: Corridoio Colombo:
See the video of the Metro project La Porta del Mare. Corridorio Colombo
See Video: La Porta del Mare – Parco dei Ministeri
Principe Baldini was competing and playing many sports: Tennis, Rugby, Horse Jumping , Boxe, Full Contact, Judo, extreme Ski, KL, Surf ,SUP, Windsurfing .
- Since 2005 he has been taking part to the Speed World Cup, achieving in 2009 the Title of European Champion, reaching in that occasion, a remarkable top speed (for that time and the big gear) of 43kts with 40.6 in the run, (85lt board and 7sqm sail).
- He took part in all the Speed Record Attempt: Saintes Maries de la mer, Southend on Sea, Luderitz…
- Then, with his friend, team mate (now great entrepreneur and co founder of Sea Bubble) and Windsurfing Legend Anders Bringdal, he could learn a lot in order to develop Speed Channel, Speed Material (fin, sail, board and so on) and Speed “attitude”…
- He develops for an Italian Sail brand (Challenger Sails) the speed sail: PSL Principe Speed Line.
- In 2009 he convinced the Australian genius Chris Lockwood to design the speed board line for Mistral ( With Bringdal Owner and “super visor” of the brand Licence) and it was a great step for the speed: lot of people broke the 50kts barrier with this board… the first was Anders Bringdal in 2012!!!
- The knowledge about boards comes as well from the friendship since 1997 with the Brazilian-Californian surf designer Legend: Xanadu,
the man who did a revolution in the surf design since the eighties… And still now he is consider in USA the Jimmy Hendrix of the shapers.
With all his experience from Riders, Champions, Friends, competitions and record attempts,
now Principe he organize a Speed Event and World Record Attempt ,
focused on the happiness of the riders, the security and the possibility to achieve some big results.
In November 2012 going to Luderitz from Cape Town Principe had a car crash with heavy consequence: 4 broken vertebrae…
But despite all the doctor prevision he came back on the run and still now sometimes he can be able to make fly his board over the rolling chop in a down wind run on a wild day!!!
With his Motto Forever Speed
he is inspiring many people and in 2016 he decided to found the Association Forever Speed to promote the good Sporting values and to Organize some Speed Event in order to push the limit of this beautiful Sport…. especially in some Natural Open Water Spot like Plage du Rouet (La Palme, Aude, France).
After many years of Sailing at Plage du Rouet, Principe decided to come to live just near this amazing beach … Here at Rouet Principe in 2016 became the first Athlete, in the Italian Sailing History, to break the 40kts barrier on the Nautical Mile (in GPS).
Now he is one of the main World Wide Ambassador of this Wonderful Wild Area … He received the Honorary Citizen’s award of La Palme town.
La Region Occitanie, Le Grand Narbonne, Le Department de l’Aude, La Palme Town, Leucate town are the institutional partner of Prince of Speed !
In the First Edition 2018 the Prince of Speed achieved a massive result:
5 World Records and 12 National records !!
As the La Palme Major says : “ Principe tu es le Roi de la Rouet ”.
Let’s finish with his words:
In the water, same as in the life, we need to front our ghosts… and when we are ready for it… we achieve a big result….
not to beat someone or to gain an award… just to overtake our limits… with the heart of the Ancient Knights!!
Forever Speed!
Principe Baldini

- 40+ year on boards, 20+ year in the Speed Sailing Circuit,
- Luderitz, Saintes Maries de la Mer, Southend on Sea,
- Co-design and design of equipment for Speed Sailing,
- Optimization of speed-measurement high-tech equipment,
- Professional, positive and good living person.