Prince of Speed – Notice of Race

Prince of Speed it’s a Speed Sailing Event open to all the sail craft.

The waiting period is 25May – 25 June 2020 at Plage du Rouet, La Palme, Aude, Occitanie.

There will be:

Coupe de France de Vitesse and WST Cup: 500m race

The race will be on call and it will be 1 day race (maximum  2 if the race director decide for it in case of not fully windy day).

There will be different categories for the ranking:

Under 15; Under 17; under 19; under 21; Man; Woman; Kite; Windsurf; under 90kg, over 90kg and  Overall.

All the riders need to wear a gps  WST approved. (please contact the organization for more info).

In order to make easier life to the students we will try to call the Coupe de France during week end, festivity day or on Wednesday, if the conditions will permit us.

On the water there will be 10 Boys A B C D E F G X Y Z : 

A-B: 70m: don’t overtake zone . You cannot overtake in this zone. 

B-C: 70m: one man zone. Only one rider per time can sail here.

C-D: 501m, the Official race with video camera and the Box (on the beach) for start and finish of 500m.

E   : Jibing Boy at 60mt after the finish line of 500m race

C-F: 1853m, the Official Nautical Mile (for NM Registered riders). On the beach, in line with Buoy F, there will be the video camera and the box for the finish line of the NM

G: 50m after the Finish of the Mile and of the Competition Area of the NM

X: outside Black Buoy Grand Narbonne perpendicular to the Buoy A 

Y: outside Black Buoy Grand Narbonne perpendicular to Buoy E 

Z: outside black buoy Grand Narbonne perpendicular to the Buoy G

A-E-Y-X: Competition Area for 500m Race (Coupe de France and World Speed Tour Cup)

A-G-Z-X: Competition Area of Nautical Mile. 

The distance of the Buoys from the beach depends on the conditions.

In the Competition Area is permitted to sail only to the Riders registered for the race. 

The Riders of the Coup de France de Vitesse and WST Cup, not registered on the Nautical Mile World Record Attempt, are not allowed to sail between the Buoys E and G.

The run is Starboard tack and you have to sail between the Buoys A – E and the beach.

The up wind sailing have to be done outside of the Buoys A and E but inside of the Buoys X and Y.

It’s possible to walk back to the start but on the beach, not with the board in the water.

Please don’t walk in front of the video Camera of the Timing (wood Box on the beach)

It is possible to stand in the water before the Buoy A and start the run from there. You can get going into the run sailing from outside too, from the left (North) of the buoy A.

It’s forbidden to stand in the water (especially near the beach) in all the competition area A-X-Z-G

If you are tired or you want to stop for a while, get your gear out of the water before A and after E  (G for Mile riders) taking care to don’t disturb other riders on the run (watch out please).

If you stop in case you don’t feel good or injury, please try to do the cross sign with your arms.

It could be possible to use the Shuttle of the Organization, in case available, to go back to the start.

All the Riders have to wear the Lycra of the Event and take care that is well readable (don’t put under the harness… and keep it straight).

All the riders have to put the Stickers received by the Organization , in their race equipment.

All the riders can ask photos for free to the event organizer and they can use them taking care to let the Event Logo on the Photos and to tag the Event and link the Event page. 

To bring our photographer, the rider have to be in agreement with the Event Organizer in order to have a correct communication.

The Ranking of each race will be based on the best 2 run of each rider.

Point are: 0.7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6……. Final winner it will be who will have less point.

There is no limit on minimum or maximum race per day.

There will be also the Ranking per best run of the Event.

Kite area and Windsurf Area, for rigging etc, will be in 2 separate place on the beach, for security reason… so don’t let the Windsurf near kite area and viceversa.

The 500m Registration fee is 250 euro to Pay to World Speed Tour Account.

Pre-registration is already available writing to

The 24 May at 16-18 There will be the registration

The 25 May at 10am there will be the Opening Ceremony of Prince of Speed 2020 at Salin de La Palme. 

Confirm your presence before 10 April at 

All the riders have to be member of FFVoile and World Speed Tour.

If you are not member of FFVoile you can pay 75 euro to World Speed Tour and be member of FFvoile and WST for the year 2020. If you already have the FFVoile card you can be member of WST paying 20 euro to World Speed Tour.

If you are not a “Speed Champion” you need to qualify for the Coupe de France de Vitesse doing at least 1 GPS Official Trial organized a Plage du Rouet (we will try to do at least 2) during vacation days or week end in the months of March, April or May . In this occasion there will be the security of FFvoile and an equipe to check the GPS. The cost for the Qualification Trial will be 25 euro included the security and the help of Principe about trimming, equipment and tips etc… To be accepted on the French cup it will be taken in consideration also the water and beach education. 

I gently recommend you to read and understand on the website the gentleman agreement and the Speed Sailing Rules also for all the year in free surfing. 

Speed is an extreme sport and it’s very important to respect some rule and use fair play

in order to have fun everybody and to be more safe, respecting the others, the Nature and ourself ….

Prince of Speed GPS Trial World Speed Tour 2020:

There will be also a GPS competition all the year: Prince of Speed GPS Trial World Speed Tour 2020 in collaboration with GPS Speedsurfing website. Here you can post your speed and register to the Event. The Ranking  will be on the best 500m in straight line (for what is possible to go straight…).  

It will be a little price also for the Fastest Max speed (In slingshot)


WSSRC World Record Attempt Nautical Mile 

The World Record Attempt will be during the waiting Period 25 May- 25 June 2020 according with the conditions.

We will try to set up the 3rd Camera also in the day of the 500m Race to permit to the NM Riders to do some attempt.

During the 500m race the NM riders will let the priority to the 500m riders.

After Buoy E,   only the NM riders are allowed to sail

By the State we can race 10 days during the waiting period.

We pay the WSSRC to have 8 days racing with the Observer on spot to ratified the Records (and little longer period than 28 days).

If Eolo will be so generous to give us more than 8 windy days, the riders can ask to the organizer to buy some more day from WSSRC if the Commissioner and the Observer will be available.

This price will be pay by the riders … This will be better explain on the mail of Official Announcement.

The score is captured with an Official video timing system and an equipe ( Forever Speed Vision)  WSSRC approved.

All the riders have to send the GPS track or the gmt time (start and finish) of their best 3 runs to the organizer as soon as they finish the sailing day….

If some rider are interested to attempt the 500m too we will try to keep working the 3rd Camera…

Otherwise it will remain like spear camera in case of some damage.

The Organization is not responsible if weather condition will be not good, if the beach will be flooded etc… or for any damage to the Timing System.

All the riders have to sign the Behavior form of WSSRC and Forever Speed- WST

Accepting the Event Rule and GA.

To registered on the Nautical Mile World Record attempt send a mail to

And send a whattsapp message to +33 6 40 83 93 00 in order to make a whattsapp group.

We will have some discount for Accommodation and Restaurant contact us for more info!

Forever Speed! 
